Rogue Classes
Maximum strength: 120
Maximum intelligence: 100
Maximum dexterity: 175
Maximum combined stats (statcap): 310
Stats required to join: Str: 70, Dex: 80, Int: 10
Skill required to join: Hiding 65%
Either of these skills are required as well: Stealth 65%, Fencing 65%
At primary (100%):
Anatomy, Detect Hidden, Hiding, Tactics, Poisoning, Tracking, Fencing, Stealth
At secondary (85%):
Parry, Camping, Lockpicking, Removetrap, Magic resistance, Archery
At tertiary (65%):
Item Id, Forensic, stealing, Wrestling, Healing, Snooping
At penalty (40%):
Armslore, Cartography, Taste Id
Treasure Hunter
Maximum strength: 135
Maximum intelligence: 95
Maximum dexterity: 140
Maximum combined stats (statcap): 300
Stats required to join: Str: 55, Dex: 75, Int: 10
Skill required to join: Cartography 65%
Any of these skills are required as well: Lockpicking 65%, Remove Trap 65%, Tracking 65%
At primary (100%):
Anatomy, Camping, Cartography, Detect, Discordance, Lockpicking, Tracking, Fencing, Remove Trap, Itemid
At secondary (85%):
Hiding, Tactics, Swords, Maces, Healing, Veterinary, poisoning, Magic Resistance,
At tertiary (65%):
Forensics, Stealth, Wrestling
At penalty (40%):
Armslore, Animallore
Maximum strength: 120
Maximum intelligence: 120
Maximum dexterity: 150
Maximum combined stats (statcap): 300
Stats required to join: Str: 70, Dex: 70, Int: 10
Skill required to join: Archery 65%
Either of these skills are required as well: Tracking 65%, Camping 65%
At primary (100%):
Anatomy, Camping, Discordance, Archery, Tracking, Healing, Tactics, Animallore
At secondary (85%):
Detect hidden, Hiding, Veterinary, Herding, Magic Resistance, Animal Taming
At tertiary (65%):
Item id, Forensics, Wrestling
At penalty (40%):
Armslore, poisoning, stealth, Cooking, Taste Id
Maximum strength: 130
Maximum intelligence: 85
Maximum dexterity: 150
Maximum combined stats (statcap): 300
Stats required to join: Str: 55, Dex: 75, Int: 10
Skill required to join: Tactics 65%
These skill is required as well: Archery 65%, Tactics 65%
At primary (100%):
Anatomy, Tactics, Archery, Fencing
At secondary (85%):
Animallore, Itemid, Parry, Healing, Hiding, Magic Resistance, Poisoning, Tracking
At tertiary (65%):
Detect Hidden, Meditation, forensics, Veterinary, Macefighting
At penalty (40%):
Armslore, Stealth, Remove Trap, Wrestling, Taste Id |